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Empowering employees: Strategies for prioritising sexual health

Empowering employees: Strategies for prioritising sexual health

As a whole, sexual health goes beyond the mere absence of disease or dysfunction; it describes the intricate relationship between sexuality and the physical, emotional, and social aspects of overall well-being. Recognising and addressing sexual health in the workplace may initially seem unconventional, but it’s an important aspect of cultivating holistic employee well-being. Beyond traditional boundaries, acknowledging and supporting sexual health needs aligns with the modern understanding that employees are multifaceted individuals.

What does this look like in the workplace?
As we observe STI/Condom Week this month, let’s recognise the role that sexual health education and resources play in fostering a culture of safety, well-being, and dignity within the workplace. And although not all of these suggestions are relevant to all workplaces, we’re sharing them so that you can consider what might be possible and best for your team.

1. Develop inclusive policies

  • Create and communicate non-discriminatory policies that explicitly address sexual health matters, ensuring employees feel safe and supported.
  • Include provisions for confidential consultations and access to sexual health resources.

2. Provide educational resources

  • Develop and distribute informative materials about sexual health, STIs and contraception methods to increase awareness and understanding.
  • Offer access to reputable online resources, workshops or seminars conducted by experts in the field.

3. Conduct training sessions

  • Organise training sessions for managers and HR personnel to ensure they are well-equipped to handle sexual health-related inquiries and support employees effectively.
  • Foster an open dialogue about creating a culture of inclusivity and acceptance within the organisation.

4. Promote regular health check-ups

  • Encourage employees to prioritise regular health check-ups, this can be done through a poster campaign for example.
  • Provide information on available healthcare resources and benefits, including any coverage related to sexual health services.

5. Foster open communication

  • Create a platform for open and non-judgmental communication about sexual health matters.
  • Establish anonymous channels or forums where employees can ask questions or seek advice without fear of stigma.

6. Launch awareness campaigns

  • Design and implement awareness campaigns during events like STI/Condom Week to promote conversations around sexual health.
  • Use internal communication channels such as newsletters, intranet or bulletin boards to share relevant information.

By fostering an open dialogue and providing helpful resources, businesses signal a commitment to creating a workplace that values the complete welfare of its workforce, contributing to a culture of trust and empowerment. This approach reflects a broader movement toward workplaces that prioritise the diverse and comprehensive needs of their employees.

For more information or support related to the physical health of employees, let us help you. Email, call (+27) 86 123 4123 to speak to one of our business development managers, or visit our website.

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