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Health and wellness tips for women who lead

Health and wellness tips for women who lead

Women in leadership positions often face unique health and wellness challenges due to the demands of their roles and societal expectations.

Studies show women executives experience more stress and have fewer stress-free days than their male counterparts. This is exacerbated by the fact that women are frequently the primary caregivers at home, on top of their professional responsibilities.

Additionally, according to UC Health, the top concerns for women's health include heart disease; breast, ovarian and cervical cancer; depression and anxiety; and reproductive health issues.

Maintaining physical and mental well-being can be particularly difficult given the workload and pressure women in leadership positions face, however, there are several strategies that can help.

Make self-care non-negotiable
Within this whirlwind of responsibilities, female leaders should be diligent about blocking out time to focus on their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. KPMG’s ‘Advancing the future of women in business’ report found that 79% of successful female executives prioritise wellness by scheduling time for self-care.

Simple daily practices such as meditation and yoga can significantly reduce stress and improve mental clarity. Regular physical activity is equally important, helping to improve mood and cognitive function.

Lean on a strong support network
Building a strong support network is essential for maintaining well-being. Connecting with other female leaders through mentorship programmes, professional networks or informal support groups can provide invaluable emotional and professional support.

Sharing experiences and advice helps in navigating the unique challenges of leadership.

Delegate tasks to reduce burnout and empower others
Effective delegation is a critical skill for leaders. By entrusting capable team members with important tasks, female executives can reduce their workload and prevent burnout.

Delegation lightens the load and empowers team members, which helps create a collaborative and trusting work environment.

Embrace flexibility to better overcome challenges
The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is a hallmark of successful leadership. Embracing flexibility in both professional and personal spheres allows female executives to manage unexpected challenges more effectively.

This adaptability also extends to adopting flexible work arrangements, which can improve work-life balance and overall well-being.

Participate in wellness programmes for holistic health
Taking advantage of health and wellness programmes focused on improving holistic well-being can provide the support needed to help executives perform at their best both personally and professionally. Our Executive Wellness Clinic offers pre-emptive medical care and health services tailored to top executives, including physical health assessments, mental health support and personalised wellness plans.

For more information on this topic, listen to our podcast episode 'Why executive well-being is the cornerstone of effective leadership', in which we discuss the critical need for top-level executives to prioritise their well-being.

Ready to holistically support your personal development? The Life Health Solutions Executive Wellness offering provides pre-emptive medical care and health services to Africa’s top executives, including access to our world-class executive wellness clinic in Johannesburg. To find out more, email, call (+27) 86 123 4123 to speak to one of our business development managers, or visit our website.

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