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Caring for the carers: How to look after C-suite employees

Caring for the carers: How to look after C-suite employees

Recently, an article by the Financial Times reported that 81% of C-suite interviewees said improving their well-being is more important than advancing their career. The same article shared how executives are growing more willing to move mountains to restore their health – with many of these employees going on dedicated retreats and to recovery centres. This shift in focus can be taken to mean that there has been an increase in executives realising the importance of valuing their holistic health. Based on this, one could also infer that executive wellness needs have been neglected over time. For instance, most articles that speak about workplace wellness focus on leadership meeting the needs of employees, but we rarely see this type of content directed at C-suite executives and their own wellness needs being met.

Businesses need to tap into this sentiment in order to cultivate sustainable growth, support the needs of all of their employees, remain relevant in terms of best practice for well-being at work, and take care of the full team.

We know that being a leader in business is taxing – the pressure and stress require effort to manage, balancing other areas of life can be tricky, and it almost always feels as though there just isn’t enough time to tick all of the boxes. Neglecting your health can so often end up on the backburner. In reality, this is one of the most essential areas of our lives. We can’t afford to neglect it.

Taking these factors into account and leaning on more than 30 years of experience, our executive wellness clinics are designed to meet the holistic needs of C-suite employees. We offer comprehensive medical services for executives and their spouses. Some of these include access to doctors, nurses, nutritionists, pathologists, and more. All in one place. You can count on us to provide useful tools, practical support, and the ability to identify an individual’s health risks as part of their medical profile. We’re driven to encourage positive changes and cultivate more holistically well lifestyles for all of our clients. Our services are quick, efficient and excellent – and another way we’re able to make a meaningful, measurable difference.

Why top executives choose our executive medical services
Our clients rank among the top 3% of Africa’s executive suite and our executive services were the first of its kind in South Africa. These are some of the reasons we’re able to ensure our longevity and maintain our clinical expertise:

  • Our clinics offer patients privacy and a tranquil environment, where they’re able to receive dedicated assistance from our medical team, who are not only qualified in their field, but also focused on building long-standing relationships.
  • We retain a client satisfaction rate of 98%.
  • We’re able to continuously yield good results through our various risk mitigation interventions.
  • The speed, convenience, quality and privacy of our services continue to be a source of pride for our team.
  • We offer diagnostic testing and results in real time.
  • Along with our medical practitioners, we have professors and service experts within our team who are backed by the global hospital group, Life Healthcare.
  • Our clients have 24/7 access to the Life Healthcare hospital group for specialist referrals.

Watch to learn more about our executive medical services.


At Life Health Solutions, we’re geared to take your business to new heights. To learn more about how we can support and engage your employees (and, therefore, boost your business), email, call (+27) 86 123 4123 to speak to one of our business development managers or visit our website for more information.

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